Thursday 25 June 2009

Writing Marathon, Day 2

For today I have planned the following:

- translating and typing what I wrote yesterday CHECK
- writing at least three hours, 2000-4000 words
- reading in the sun for about 2 hours in the afternoon CHECK

The rest that was originally scheduled for today can wait :)

ETA: 927 new words today. I can do much better. *grumble* On the plus side, I received very nice praise for what I wrote yesterday :)

Wednesday 24 June 2009

Writing Marathon, Day 1

Another marathon on BaWC.

I won't be able to be as fiercly dedicated as Jen suggests, as I do have a life outside of writing (No! Really? Would you have thought that? *g* ) that just this week demands my attention as well.

So I plan to write an hour, do the stuff that needs to be done for an hour, write an hour... Rinse and repeat.

I'll be working on that love story. Ideally I'll get about 4 hours of writing, 2000-4000 words, 2 hours of reading in the sunshine and some new ideas today.

ETA: Got 2 hours 20 minutes writing time and 1863 words.
Snip here

Monday 15 June 2009


523 new words.

Not bad considering I wrote them between midnight and 1am this night because I could't sleep :)

Saturday 13 June 2009


I think the most rewarding thing to take photos of are flowers, as they are always beautiful.

I did quite a few shots lately, so here's a link instead of posting the pics. Enjoy! :)

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Two snippets

of the silly love story ;)

„Cassie, ich glaube der Besuch ist für dich.“
Und ich glaubte mich trifft der Schlag. Ich konnte fühlen wie mir die Kinnlade runter klappte; was mir noch nie passiert war.
Mein Besucher kam mit ausgestreckter Hand auf mich zu.
„Hey, mein Name ist Joel.“
Joel-ich-bin-der-heißeste-Kerl-auf-diesem-Planeten-Whittacker. Hier im Büro!
Ich schaffte es endlich meinen Mund zu zuklappen und von meinem Stuhl aufzustehen.

"Cassie, I think this visitor is for you."
And I think I just got the shock of my life. I could feel my jaw drop; something that had never happened to me before.
My visitor approached with his hand outstretched.
"Hey, my name is Joel."
Joel-I-am-the-hottest-guy-on-earth-Whittacker. Here in this office!
I finally managed to shut my mouth and stand up from my chair.


Ich hatte fast die ganze Nacht kein Auge zu machen können, hatte dann verschlafen und weder Zeit gehabt, mir zu Hause einen Tee zu kochen, noch, mir unterwegs einen zu besorgen. Und jetzt war auch noch dieser dämliche Wasserkocher kaputt!
Ich war ohne meine morgendliche Dosis Tee genauso unausstehlich, wie Miller ohne seinen Kaffee. Und Miller war wirklich ein Stinkstiefel.
Frustriert ließ ich mich auf meinen Stuhl fallen als vor mir plötzlich ein Becher materialisierte.
"Guten Morgen."
Ich ließ mich weder davon ablenken, dass Joel zu früh dran war, noch, dass seine Haare ziemlich sexy verwuschelt waren, sondern griff mir den Becher und atmete tief ein. Earl Grey!
"Mein Held!"
Ich tauchte lange genug aus meinem Tee-High auf um zu bemerken was ich gesagt hatte und zu wem und rot zu werden, bevor ich einen großen Schluck nahm um diese Peinlichkeit zu überspielen. Um mir dann prompt die Zunge zu verbrennen.
Davis rettete mich, in dem sie an meinem Schreibtisch vorbeistolperte und "Oh mein Gott, bist du nicht Joel Whittacker?" hervorstieß.

I had gotten close to no sleep the whole night, had then overslept and neither had had time to make myself some tea at home nor to stop for one on my way to work. And now this stupid kettle was broken!
Without my morning dose of tea I was as insufferable as Miler without his coffee. And Miller really was a grumbler.
Frustrated I let myself fall onto my chair, when suddenly a cup materialised in front of me.
"Good morning."
I didn't let myself be distracted by the fact that Joel was too early, nor that his hair was tousled sexily, but grabbed for the cup and inhaled deeply. Earl Grey!
"My hero!"
I surfaced long enough from my tea-high to notice what I said and to whom and to blush before I took a big mouthful of tea to cover my embarrassment. Only to promptly burn my tongue.
Davis saved me by stumbling past my desk and stuttering "Oh my gosh, aren't you Joel Whittacker?".

My characters usually come with full names, and Joel was Joel from the start. But I had to think of a surname for him. Those who know me and share my Ben Barnes obsession, will recognise the name. I have watched Easy Virtue one too many times in the last few weeks ;)

Friday 5 June 2009


Did I write? DID I write? No! *hangs head in shame*

Procrastination ist just too much fun. I'll need to go back to pen and paper or I'll never get anything done in the near future...