Thursday 3 July 2008

My birthday

is still one and a half month away, but I need your help.

For dinner I had planned lasagna and some kind of turkey/chicken goulash (with yoghurt sauce).

But - usually - it's rather hot in August and I fear that people won't only want to eat hot food.

So I abandoned the goulash. But what to make instead? Something that can be eaten lukewarm or cold would be good. Any ideas?
I will also have a cheese platter and self-made brown soda bread, but I want to have another "main course"

I already cruised several cooking sites, but they offer so many recipes that I cannot decide (or even narrow them down).

And if anyone is interested, for the coffee party in the afternoon I will have my Mom's cheesecake with fruit, white Death by Chocolate (white because I've done the "brown" one so many times and people still demand it, but I thought white would be a nice variation) and Claire's Plum Coconut Cake.

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