Friday 18 September 2009

Cologne - done

What fun times!

Meeting Christina and seeing McFly for the first time. Incredible! :D

See some vids here and tons of others when you search Youtube :)

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Back again and going ;)

After my midlife crisis at the age of 26... No it wasn't really that bad :) but I was really upset that after half a year of being unemployed, and making searching for a new job my job, my efforts showed no results.
I knew the day would come soon (yesterday) when I was officially unemployed and that was something I had tried to avoid.
So after coming back from Poland (my stay there being the trigger in some ways) I sat down and thought a bit about my life. How I want to approach people and what I'm willing to take from people from now on. What I expect from a new job and where I'm willing to compromise or not. What other areas of employment could make me happy (like not only the commercial one). What I could do for myself to feel better, what is important to me.
So after thinking about all that and more I came to some conclusions.

This is a writer's blog and what has all of the above do do with writing? I think that the changes and progress I'm about to make in my life will affect my writing as well. No, I don't think so, I know. Everything in your life affects your writing.
First I thought I'd start with something completely new, get rid of old "weight". But that's stupid. I love my WIPs and my characters. Some of them have been with me for some years. I think I "just" need to find a new way for them and me to guide them through their story.
I won't commit myself like saying "today I'll write this and that and tomorrow that much" but I promised myself I'd go back to work :)

So, wish me luck and patience and good ideas :)