The old year is about to pass, a new is already standing on the door step.
Looking back, 2007 hasn't been too bad. I got a great new job (and more money *g*), have deepened my contact with some of the Forumites, have worked on my story (plot, characters, wordage), had no mayor catastrophes, had a wonderful and hot spring (although the actual summer could have been better).
And as one does at the end of a year, I made resolutions for the new year:
- I will put more effort and time in my writing
- I will lose weight and get fitter
- I'll save money for a nice autumn holiday
- I'll see my friends more often
- I will win the lottery *g*
- I might do a language course (Spanish adult education course)
These are fairly managable, so I'm optimistic with sticking to them :)
I'm wishing all of you a nice evening and that you won't stumble while stepping from 2007 to 2008!