Saturday 6 September 2008

My new bookcase

So, after I had books all over my living room, I decided to put some of them into cartons and place them in my cellar and bought an additional book case for the rest.

You will notice that some of my Outlander books are missing. I lent them to a colleague whom I converted ;)
And I have some free space left for all the new books that are surely to come. E.g. two new ones that I'm reading right now and four still in the living room. My TBR pile is much larger, but it's a virtual one (namely the Amazon wishlist) as I couldn't handle the actual piles anymore :)

The new one:

The "old" one:


Sarah said...

Warum ist das Neue um so vieles kleiner??

NBB said...

Weil ich nicht mehr Platz habe :)

Wenn ich mehr Bücher habe, kommen oben drüber noch Regalbretter