Tuesday 17 June 2008

Just a little update

For June I had planned on writing one hour a day. That worked while the football/soccer matches where still not that interesting, I could write while watching. But NOW things are getting more exciting and I have to focus. :) Although for most of the four groups the teams in first and fourth position were quite clear after two matches, the other matches were interesting nevertheless (beside the German one last night – booooring).

So I didn’t get much writing done, but (something that hasn’t happened so much with “Ella” – maybe that was/is the problem) I have constantly asked and answered myself questions. Like “Why will Anna be on that ship? How did she achieve it?” or “Who else’s POV will I use and why?” and I have done “research” on e.g. the construction on spaceships and what material is/could be used (the Star Trek world for example uses clear aluminium for windows. It’s much more easy to use, light and robust. Some years ago I read that scientists had invented clear aluminium – with the same characteristics – for real. The piece was only about 15x15 cm or something and still too difficult to manufacture, but still, there it was).
I don’t know yet what time exactly the story takes place, but I know it’s the not too distant future, so clear aluminium for windows is a credible possibility.

But yeah, football is on every night for the next 12 days still (or not every night anymore as we approach quarter finals now) and writing has to retreat a bit.

Wish us luck! :)


Sarah said...

Alle sind im EM-Fieber [g] Die Leute aus meiner Schule, die verrückt nach Fußball sind, können es einfach nicht vertragen, dass Ballack dieses Tor geschoßen hat und meinen (wie immer wenn Österreich verliert!), dass der Schiedsrichter schuld war. LOL!

Trotzdem finde ich (und ein paar meiner deutschen Freundinen) dass Deutschland es wirklich verdient hätte die EM zu gewinnen. Also, Viel Glück!! =)

P.S.:(Obwohl ich es auch schade fand dass das "Wunder von Wien" ausblieb--wäre irgendwie toll gewesen.)

NBB said...

Also ICH finde, dass Deutschland das nur verdient hätte, wenn sie ihre Leistung steigern.
Es gibt jetzt im Viertelfiale so viele gute Mannschaften, die es alle ihrer Leistung nach verdient hätten (außer den Italienern ;) )

Na ja, freut mich das wir Daumendrücker in Österreich haben :)