Sunday 6 January 2008

My Characters Will Have To Suffer

Most of the characters we meet in the beginning are townsfolk. They get tired after half a day of slow walking through straight and comfortable country.

I couldn't have that.

They will need to tackle forced marches in the future. And they have to tackle them in a believable fashion. I cannot have a couch potato master a forced march without a problem.

They need to get fit.
Ella already is, having been in the last war. (And she's that kind of person that knows to keep it up. Always be prepared and all that)

Yesterday, while on the treatmill, I decided that she will take matters in her own hands and train them.
Adrien*, the poor soul, had to suffer through the first exercise yesterday evening. :) And was done for afterwards, so I let him rest.

*(I only realised yesterday, that he has a loveable namesake in Sypmaster's Lady),

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